
Title:OX Length operator not working with map in Value multiplier
Posted By:zullup ( David Beran )
Date Created:29 November 2019



When using a procedural (noise, gradient etc.) in the Value multiplier it works as expected. Black uses the minimum value and white uses the maximum value. 
When using a painted b/w map tho it is only using the may value for all hairs.

Steps to Reproduce:

Hi zullup.

Can you provide a test scene, containing the map texture you're using?
I tried the Length map and had no problems, maybe there's something in the texture we need to consider.



Hi Roger,


Here is the .obj + the lenght texture I am using.

I tried the texture also as a density map in the "hair from guides" operator and it works there but not in the lenght operator to edit the lenght


found out that this only happens in r19

Hi David.

I still can't reproduce the problem. I'm testing on a mac, R19.053, RedShift 2.6.48

Adding the basic Fur Ball groom to that model, and using the texture map on the Length modifier works. Full hair count on renders also works.

I need an actual failing c4d scene to test.

Is this still a problem or can we close the issue?

If the rpobem persists, please send me the c4d scene and texture map being used.

still happening on r19 here is the files.



Do you have access to R21? Maybe you can upgrade for now while we sort this out. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)


I was reproducing it on Windows R19 only, with some work it's not happening to me anymore.
Can you try build please?

thx, everything is working fine now!