
Title:Cinema 4d crash if you accidentally create a cylinder or sphere on any non-flat object, for example.
Posted By:britva_27 ( Sergey Krasnikov )
Date Created:22 February 2020



Cinema 4d r20, r21 crash if you accidentally create a cylinder or sphere on any non-flat object, for example. It is clear that the topology of the model must meet the necessary requirements in order for the hair to be created, but still the program should not crash, and at least not respond or suggest an error. ORNATRIX v1.0.1.22489

Steps to Reproduce:


I cannot reproduc this crash on my end. Can you please try to reproduce it in a new scene and attach it here? Thanks. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

oops. I mean if create hair from mesh strips. Sorry for my bed english. Please see video

Attached Files:

>2020-02-23+17-22-15.mp4 (11973186 bytes),

Thanks for the video, I can reproduce the crash, we will fix it. However, as you said you are not supposed to create hair from mesh strips from a sphere or a capsule. Hair From Mesh Strips operator needs an open geometry to generate hairs, like a tube or a polygon plane.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

This is fixed on the next nightly build. Thank you. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)