
Title:Nightly 24283 not opening old projects
Posted By:Augustronic ( Achim August Tietz )
Date Created:29 June 2020



I was working on a project in an older version of Ornatrix. It was a V1 something version. As Ornatrix was not saving my grooms (there's a defect thread somewhere here) I was updating to the latest v2 (24283) version. That one is not opening my files anymore and just hangs while trying to open the file.

Is there any way to make the latest version open my old files?

Steps to Reproduce:


Thank you for your report. Can you provide the problematic file for debugging? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Can I email you the file or is there any other way of sending confidential files that are not for the public?

Yes. You can send it to Jeordanis.F (at) ephere. com. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

If you still have any issues, please re-open or submit a new report with the scene.