
Title:can't load anymore old projet using ornatrix
Posted By:ronin161 ( jonathan )
Date Created:22 August 2022



When i try to open my latest project using ornatrix c4d freeze and even if i wait a long time, nothing happen.
I updtate to the last build of ornatrix, maybe you change some stuff and that why old project done with another version of ornatrix freeze now..? 

Can you help me on this issue please ?

Steps to Reproduce:

Which version of Ornatrix was the project created with?

Which version are you trying to open it?

Why not install and try the same version that was used to create it?


Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev

Hello Ivan,

so :

- the project was created with the version of ornatrix.
- i have downloaded the last version so i try to open the project with this version but c4d just freeze with the project open. 
- because i think when we make an update with any plugin they are supposed to work with projeect done with previous version especially when these are recent version.

Sorry for my english it's not my native language.

Yes, I understand that you'd like to switch to a newer version because of the updates and fixes, but if you're running into a problem then a possible workaround is to finish the project with the version that works.

And to investigate the problem, we need to test your scene, there must be something special in it that causes the problem. In general, loading older scenes should work, we don't know of any problems currently.
So if you prefer to get your scene working with the latest Ornatrix version, you'll have to send it to us.

Also, which is your C4D version?

Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev

just to be clear i don't change the version during a prod, i wanted to open an old project to remember a process.
however I can send you the file, do you have an email to avoid putting the link in front of everyone.

Thank you

Yes, please zip and e-mail to ivan.kolev at ephere com

Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev

Thank you ! i will  send you that when i will come back next week. thank you !