
Title:Alembic Ground Strands Issue
Posted By:antonalfy ( Anton )
Date Created:28 November 2022



Hey there, having an issue with an alembic ground stands issue.

It's almost identical to the issue discussed here:

Basically, I have a file that has the hair setup. And another one with the animated alembic. I merge the two, and using the ground strands modifier, attach the hair to the animated alembic. 

It looks and works fine on redshift renderview, and also is fine if I render it from frame 0. However, as my animation starts on frame 110, if I start the render on that frame or anything else but 0, below happens:

If I start on from 0, it works fine. But obviously, it's a huge time loss to render 100 odd frames that are not usable. 

Any ideas of what I can try? Tried multiple versions of Ornatrix (including the beta of the v3), but all give me the same result.

Thank you

Steps to Reproduce:


Last week we fixed an issue related to grounding that looks similar to this. Please try the latest nightly build and let me know how it goes.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)