Ok, I couple things first.
Is there a reason why you are trying to render the hairs as mesh AND curves at the same time? That is not possible because contradics howthe hair stack works:
FurBall on top --> Guides From Mesh generates guides --> Hair From Guides reads the guide data and generates hair --> Change Width reads the hair data and set its width. --> End of the stack.
When you converted the hair to mesh, there is no hair data available for Curves From Strands, because Mesh From Strands is now passing polygon data, no hair data. I hope this is clear enough. Is important to understand how operators work, so thank you for bringing this up .
Also, you don't need to convert the hair to mesh or curves to render with Redshift because we already added native support. Unless you have a reason to convert the hair to mesh or curves.
A different thing is, in the build you are using there is a bug: Redshift needs UVs on the distribution mesh to be able to render the hairs but Ox is not providing them. This is fixed in the latest nightly build ( for Windows and Mac). Your scene renders fine without Mesh From Strands or Curves From Stands. See the image below:
Finally a couple notes: While in beta, please be sure to always download the latest nightly build, it helps us a lot if you test your project on the latest nigthly build and report back to us if you find any issues.
Second, you don't have to share your scene publicly, you can send it to Jeordanis.f (at) Ephere . com.
Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)