
Title:oscillator - amount multiplyer crash
Posted By:Lothar ( Lothar MAi )
Date Created:23 December 2018



while colour ramp as a force multiplier works fine within gravity, trying to use colour ramp as a amount multiplyer in oscillator will cause immediate crash


Steps to Reproduce:

just change oscillator amount multiplier from colour to colour ramp. Crashes immediately.


Attached Files:
Image 1
>oscillator+crash.c4d (443237 bytes),


Your scenes crashes indeed, but I tried in a new scene and it works fine. Can you try in a new scene?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

did so, but similar result.

This one will survive entering gradient but crashes if you try to play animation after that ...

Attached Files:

>oscillator+crash2.c4d (523496 bytes),

Yes, I played the animation as well. Can you try the latest nightly build? I'm using build

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

strange, I´m on the very same build and it keeps crashing , earlier or later . Always building from scratch, sometimes I can even adjust colour ramp and see impact on viewport calculation, but playing few frames it will crash for sure...