Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:25 September 2021
New: Cinema 4D R25 support
New: Multiple control points option in Edit Guides
New: Multiplier node can be baked, preserving input to output shape relationship
New: Display Mesh selection
Fixed: Fixed: Generate Strand Data: Crash when switching channel type to Per-Vertex or removing channels that have been renamed if it used down the op stack
Fixed: Surface Comb: Crash when switching to Mesh Vertex algorithm when curves are used
Fixed: Incorrectly assigned weights when using multiple control points
Fixed: "Use Strand Ik" and other CP options are disabled and inaccessible
Fixed: Surface comb sink display and editing is incorrect

Ornatix C4D R19: C4DtoA
Ornatix C4D R20: C4DtoA
Ornatix C4D R21+: C4DtoA 3.3.9

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)