Oscillator Modifier

Posted by:SuKing
Data created:5 February 2020

This operator supports gravity impulses and Cinema 4D's external forces such as turbulence, wind, and vortex.

<span><span>I want to combine it with the force field of c4d,what should I do?</span></span>


This operator does not support C4D external forces. Maybe you should look into MoovPhysics which have a parameter to SIMULATE wind, but not actual external forces support yet. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Which functional module of MoovPhysics has the function of <span>parameter to SIMULATE wind?</span>

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MoovPhysics have an option to load a different simulation script in the Object tab. The different simulation scripts provide additional options like the Wind simulation I previously mentioned. The scripts are located in C:\ProgramData\Ephere\OrnatrixC4D\Scripts\Moov. Unfortunately, is seems like the script required for the Wind simulation (HairSimulatorWind.py) is missing from the installation folder, we will fix it for the next nightly build. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I was so disappointed that the new version still didn't solve my problem!