How to work with Parting in hair from guide node?

Posted by:britva_27
Data created:17 February 2020

Hi. I experiment with parting to control interpolation hairs. Auto parting works well Unfortunately, I see that it not working with vertex maps but works with a texture map. also not working with parting channels when I make a selection of guides and make strand channels. Add parting work well but when I click edit partings it does not move or rotate. it will be nice if you make a detail tutorial in your youtube channel how it works for cinema 4d


The instructions about parting will be included in the upcoming video tutorial for Cinema 4D. 

Meanwhile, I can show you some example of how it works. If something doesn't work as I show you then it's a bug. You can start by updating to the latest nightly build and trying again, if the problem persist please provide detailed instructions to reproduce the issue. 

Auto Parting: With this option the guide roots have to be far enough from each other to help  Hair From Guides determine if a parting should be applied. See the example gif and scene below: 

Use the distance threshold to refine the parting. 


Parting Channel: Paint a per-strand channel where one side of the parting is black and the other is white. It should look like this. To learn how to create and use strand channels check THIS link. 

Then apply the parting channel like this: 


I can confirm that the parting is not working with Vertex Maps, as well as the parting plane editing issue. We are investigating both issues and will be addressed as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting it. 


Edit: I included two test scenes to test Auto Parting and Parting Channels. 


Attached Files:

>AutoParting.c4d (335259 bytes), >PartingChannel.c4d (317478 bytes),

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)