Large file sizes???

Posted by:itsupport
Data created:19 May 2020

Hi there, 

Loving the plugin, but I have some very large file sizes, is there something I'm doing wrong or can do to reduce the file sizes? The C4D files on their own are averaging at around 8-10GB?


Many thanks 

What is the file size if you remove the Ornatrix hair objects from the scene? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis. 

File sizes are around 75mb when I remove the Ornatrix hair objects from scene.




Hi there, I know I took a while to reply, but is there any update to this, what am I doing wrong to get such large files? Many thanks


It all depends on the amount of hair strands, strand points and hair objects that you have in the scene, so is difficult for me to know for sure what is happening there without looking into the scene. If you can provide the scene, please send it to jeordanis.f (at) ephere .com. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)