what's the differemce between Oscillator and Moov Physics?

Posted by:wooh
Data created:16 February 2022

I find both of them are used to make the hair movement more natural and organic, so what's the difference between them?

And what does "This operator supports gravity impulses and <span style="color: #ff0000;">Cinema 4D's external forces such as turbulence, wind, and vortex</span>" mean? Does it mean that I can apply c4d wind force to ornatrix hair though this Oscillator modifider? If so, how can achieve this?



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Although they are both used for hair animation they are not the same. Moov Physics is build for hair simulation, but Oscillator will only create oscillation movement without any simulation. The Oscillator is more like fake simulation. 

Abiut the force fields, this is a mistake in the documentation. Ornatrix in C4D does not support C4D's Forces because it does not provide a Forces API for developers. At this moment is not possible to implement this feature in C4D plugins. I hope this changes in the future. Sorry for the missinformation. I fixed this in the docs. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you.

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