C4D Hair Conversion? render farm

Posted by:rrot31
Data created:20 March 2022

Is there a way to convert the orntarix curves/hair into native cinema4d hair or splines? I am using a render farm online but they do not support ornatrix so I can't use it. Is there a workaround?

You have a few options:

1. Ornatrix allows you to convert the hair to curves or mesh. Maybe you can convert the curves to C4D hairs.

2. Export the hair as alembic.

3. Export the hair as a proxy. Whatever type of proxy your renderer supports.

4. If your renderer supports rendering curves as hair then you can just convert the hairs to curves and render it this way.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

What are the options if I want to do this the other way around, to convert C4D hair to Ornatrix? I have several styles already created in C4D and I'm not sure how to work with them in Ornatrix.

1. If you can export C4D hair to Alembic then you can import it back as Ornatrix alembic. That will convert it to Ornatrix hair.

2. If you can convert C4D hair to curves, then in Ornatrix you can use the Hair from Curves preset to convert it to Ornatrix hair.

3. If you can convert C4D hair to polygon strips, then in Ornatrix you can use Hair from Mesh Strips modifier to convert it to Ornatrix hair. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)