Baked Splines to OX guides C4D

Data created:24 August 2022

Hi. I'm adding alembic splines as guides in OX and everything works just fine, the OX guides are following spline position precisely when Guides from Curves modifier is selected in the object manager. However if I go down the stack or selecting, for example, Ground Strands, the Guides From Curves start to jump around struggling to follow their initial position inherited from splines. Thus, when I'm addig Hair From Guides down the stack the animation of hair is far off the initial spline position each frame and is following this weird guides movement. How can I fix that?



This could be a grounding bug or user error. Can you share a simplified version of the scene for testing? You can send it to jeordanis .f (at) ephere .com. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)