How do I paint after adding a channel to Per-vertex on the C4D Channel tab?

Posted by:Jung
Data created:14 October 2022

I have two questions.
1.How do I add a channel to Per-vertex in the Channel tab and paint in C4D? The image below is an excerpt of Maya's document.
I want to get stronger with Root.

2. As far as I know, hair uses Resolve Collisions to avoid interference (conflict) with each other, which is an option that takes place within one hair

If two or more hairs collide with each other, is there a way to recognize and push each other?
Hair work on the beard and the head overlaps without recognizing each other.


1. This page describes how to add strand channels and paint them. 

2. Resolve Collisions is designed for Hair to Mesh collisions. You can only use it to add non-simulated collisions between a hair object and a polygon mesh. 

Neither Moov can be used to add collisions between two separate hair objects. Maybe you can accomplish this using Resolve Collisions and converting one of the two hair objects to a polygon mesh using Mesh from Strands

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)