Any guess as to which modifier is causing this? Also clump question

Posted by:hqhempen
Data created:24 October 2022

So, some modifier is causing these hexagonal clumps to show up, and I assume it's clump modifier but I can't seem to get rid of it? Compare first image of the Redshift render view and then second image of C4D's picture viewer.!ArF1SdjY4xGno81KjPc5PrkNb-HxRw?e=ZLlLRu!ArF1SdjY4xGno81Jplq3cxTgmR0gIQ?e=qqDFcc

I guess that's problem one, a render viewer discrepency not showing a correctly updated clumping system. Second issue I'd like to ask help for is what is correct way to edit clumps? I know under Clump > Clumps > theres a Clump Hair Editing tool and a Clump Editing I have to toggle these on and THEN update clump properties under Object for stuff to update and save clumps, or am I doing it all wrong. Thanks.

The problem is that the hair doesn't look the same in the Picture Viewer compared to Redshift's render view? Try to reproduce this in a new scene with a sphere and a fur ball and share it it. If the problem can only be reproduce with the bird, we need a simplified/very minimal version of that scene. You can send it via our Discord Channel, FB or using our Contact page.


Regarding clumping. With the clump editing tools you can create(By selection a bunch of hairs and clumping them) and edit clumps(By selecting an existing clump stem and changing its parameters). 

To edit the overall clumps use the parameters in the Clump tab. If you change the clump count you need to regenerate the clumps(Clicking the Generate Clumps button).

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Actually I think issue may be increasing my hair count - when I increase it the hexagon effect becomes very prominent, vs lower counts where it dissappears. Thought changing Amount in clump and flyaway fraction / amount would help blend in the clumping a bit more sublte, but decreasing hair counts seems to actually make it more subtle. I'm sure theres a setting in Clump that makes the clumps blend back to original hair and less like hexagon pattern? 

I also tried applying my setup to a sphere but render was consistent on both viewers, might be an RS problem. 

When you increase the hair count you have to generated the clumps as described above. You have to do it everytime. Try that. Also, you have to generate the clumps for the final hair count. This means that to apply the clumps, you have to increase the viewport hair count(viewport fraction) to 100% and then generate the clumps. This is to ensure that the clumper is working on the final hair count and not just a viewport fraction. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)