Bug "Hairs From Mesh Strips" Reseting

Posted by:FlowS
Data created:15 January 2023

Hello Jeordanis,

New subject for strips in the continuity of this thread :

I can't reproduce volutary all the bug that I will speak about today, but I reproduced it partially in the attach video.

"Hairs From Mesh Strips" are very sensitives/instables.
When we duplicate them, manipulate the driver mesh, add or remove mesh in the strips, they often blow out.

In this example I just remove a shared mesh from one "Hairs From Mesh Strips", and the other shoots out.
In this case, only the grouding change for some undetermined reasons.
but generaly, when this happen, this is because the strands in the "Hairs From Mesh Strips" reset their rotation to the original imported one.
Sometime, even the assigned group per strand reset to 0.

Attached Files:

>BUG-HairsFromStripes_Reseting.c4d (9599716 bytes), >BUG-HairsFromStripes_Reseting.mp4 (17418923 bytes),

I've made these one video to shaw you what happen with some manipulations in the "Hair From Mesh Strips" operator which lead to a bug that I can easily reproduce.
As you can see, when I dupplicate my hairs system and when I manipulate the "Hair From Mesh Strips" operator, some display bug appears and the groups I have assigne to each strips reset to 0.