Vray ornatrix mod in C4d

Posted by:zeroaxis
Data created:9 August 2023

Is there an equivalent of the 3ds max version modifier VrayOrnatrixMod? Which smooths strands out at render time, and lowers memory foootprint? 

I'm getting much faster render times for a scene in Max compared to the one I have replicated in C4d vs my max scene and I wonder if this is the reason? As in 3 x faster in 3ds max . It could also just be Vray is generally slower in C4d not sure. 


At the moment we don't have such modifier for Cinema 4D, since a different approach is used there. In Max this modifier is needed to render the hair. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

ok, does it impact the render times though? Any reason why the C4d scene would be much slower...or maybe this is just a Vray differnce? I'm using the demo version of Ornatrix on both to compare btw

From our C4D developer:

Could be due to C4d itself, but also could be because we evaluate hair there differently than in Max. In Max the modifier is more efficient.

So yes, it does impact the render times.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)