
Title:automatically update create clumps when you change some parameters in lower placed modifiers of the hierarchy
Posted By:britva_27 ( Sergey Krasnikov )
Date Created:7 April 2020

If I edit my guides and hairs. next step I create few clumps but decided to make some new changes to guides or hairs parameters and after that, I must always put the button "create clumps" in all clumps modifiers. Maybe it is nice for optimizations but for us, we can some time to forget to do this action and then spend some time to understand what the problem is. It would probably be great to have a checkmark that would enable the automatic re-creation of the clumps after changing the parameters before a clump modifiers. And users can decide on or off this option according to their needs and performance of computer


Attached Files:

>2020-04-07+13-38-35.mp4 (20706960 bytes),

Follow Ups


This was considered. The clumper works this way by design, this is to avoid changing the hair by accident and avoiding hair flickering and other render artifacts. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)