
Title:Isolate hair by group, Isolate hair additional options.
Posted By:Rectro ( Daniel Ripley )
Date Created:16 April 2020

It would be good to be able to hide hair or Isolate hair according to the visible groups, this means I can see only the hairs that belong to that group of guides.


Its great to have the new Isolate in the Hair From Guides operator, but there could be some additional features added to it.


1: Isolate hair by group

2: Isolate hair by group colour, Zbrush has this. 

3: Invert hair selection.

4: Brush selection.





Follow Ups

Hi Daniel,

Stand Group support for the Isolation tool it's on our road map. 

1 and 2 sounds like the same. In Ornatrix strand groups are identified with an Index, the color is just for display. 

3 and 4 don't sound very helpful though. We have to allow the user to use the Isolation tool on it's own without relying on other operators (going back and forth from Edit Guides to Hair from Guides. ). 

The isolation by group will be added in the future. Thank you for your feedback. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis.

With 3: it may be the case to add a button to either hide selected or only show selected.  with 4 I was meaning to have its own brush within the Hair From guides Isolation toolset.

With 1.2 when a group is added it does add an index, but all the groups have the same colour, they are all Red.  It would be nice to have a different colour for each group or at least an option.  I suppose 1,2 are the same if the selection is always determined by a group then it makes no difference what colour it is, so the colour thing is more a visual thing that helps significantly when working on layers as its easier to see if the layer underneath is penetrating through an outer layer.



My Web Site -  ArtStation

I tried on the latest stable build and the strand group colors seems to be working fine. 


As for the rest, all things considered, we have to find the best way to implemented it. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)