
Title:hidden guides does not mask guides from groups and channels or Select All.
Posted By:Rectro ( Daniel Ripley )
Date Created:10 May 2020



I spent some good time hiding exciting groups while selecting all-new visible guides to Assign Unique group.  It seems hiding guides does not mask it from all assignment operations including groups and channels.  This is the way I expect Ornatrix to behave which is common across all apps and functions.  Iv messed up all my groups and have to now start again.  This is not a bug but a huge overlook of what Hide should do as a function.

1: Select all should only select whats visible

2: Assign unique should only assign what is selected (not including whats not visible)

3: Assign unique should be only whats visible, or whats visible and selected

4: Hide guides should with a option (hide hairs)

5: Hiding guides should hide Mesh from strands (with hair from guides off)




Follow Ups


1. I can reproduce this one. 

2. I think this is related to #1. 

3. Related to #1. 

4. Good idea, we'll look into this. 

5. Use the Ignore Hidden Strands option in Mesh from Strands. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)