how to render scene?

Posted by:SITT
Data created:8 March 2010

how to render scene



Have you tried Global.COREInterface8.QuickRender(...) ?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

very thanks,why,cant execute?

 IRendParams theRendParams = null;
 IViewExp theViewExp = null;
MaxGlobal.COREInterface.SetupRendParams(theRendParams, theViewExp, RendType.Region);

Not certain, I would have to check that locally. This should work btw:

Plugin.Instance.Global.COREInterface8.QuickRender( TIME_PosInfinity, null, null );

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

very thanks

maybe because




This method is called to fill in a RendParams structure that can be passed to the renderer with the user's current rendering settings. This is whatever was last used, or the default settings.

In MAX 1.x note the following (this needs not be done in MAX 2.0 or later): In order to open a renderer using this method to setup the RendParams class the following code should be used:

 i hope render with region type :)

IViewParams tvp = null;
IBitmap pBmp = null;
 MaxGlobal.COREInterface.CurRendererRenderFrame(0, pBmp, null, 1.0f, tvp, new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100));

how tu use CurRenderRenderFrame?

this can not execute

return this message


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * abnormal text * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Views: try reading or writing AccessViolationException protected memory. This usually memory has damaged other instructions.



need open :)

Ah, yes I forgot about that. I will post documentation in a couple of days, hopefully it will give better details.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)


Now I only can render a background color

have not object


Sounds like you have specified an invalid view or camera parameters. IViewParams should be properly set up.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

how to undisplay the bitmap?

this attribute only can read

and why...

i can render the object ,but , very strange

def jpg if f9 render

dotnet is my code render ...

Looks,like  have so  strong light

======================this is my code =====================

  IViewParams theViewParams = MaxGlobal.ViewParams.Create();
IViewExp theViewExp =  MaxGlobal.COREInterface.ActiveViewport;
IBitmapInfo theBmpInfo = MaxGlobal.BitmapInfo.Create();
int theHeight = theViewExp.Gw.WinSizeY;
int theWidth = theViewExp.Gw.WinSizeX;

theHeight = 300;
theWidth = 300;


IBitmap theBitMap = MaxGlobal.TheManager.Create(theBmpInfo);
IFrameRendParams theFrameRendParams = MaxGlobal.FrameRendParams.Create();
IRendParams theRendParams = MaxGlobal.RendParams.Create();

int RenderResult = 0;

IINode theViewCamera = theViewExp.ViewCamera;

MaxGlobal.COREInterface.OpenCurRenderer(theViewCamera, theViewExp, RendType.Normal, theWidth, theHeight);

Rectangle theRendRec = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);

theBitMap.Display("55", 5, true, true, null, null);
RenderResult = MaxGlobal.COREInterface.CurRendererRenderFrame(0, theBitMap, null, 1.0f, null,theRendRec);

this.Text = RenderResult.ToString();



Attached Files:
Image 1Image 2

how to undisplay the bitmap?

For some reason it exported as property. To close do: int tmp = theBitMap.UnDisplay;

Looks,like  have so  strong light

I am not sure why you're getting it. I just tried your code and light is ok in my render. Perhaps you're not setting the exposure properly in atmospherics?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

my scene

envionment map setting a sxirl map ..........

after this effect .....

but pressed f9 key render not like this



is ok :)

Good to see you figured it out :)

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)