Comments on controllers

Posted by:mbreidt
Data created:16 October 2012

Some thoughts on the Controller part of Lab

  • IMHO, this has quite a bit of potential, since developing custom controllers can be tedious with the SDK and slow with MXS; therefore I think it should have a high priority
  • The current names for the Lab-based controllers are hard to identify; I recommend using something like 'LabFloat' instead of 'FloatFunction'.
  • It would be great to have all base types supported as Controller plugins (float is already there, but what about float3, float4, matrix3, color?
  • It would be great if we could add sub-controllers (which could be instances of other controllers). This would probably require some sort of trackview list UI?




Agreed about the "Lab" prefix on templates. They are placed into Lab.Templates namespace which should appear as a category but in Max's UI category isn't used in many places.

Adding more base types for controllers should be trivial, I will try to squeeze this into one of the next few builds.

By sub-controllers you mean actual functions, so you can specify time X and get value Y?

Right now whichever scalar parameters you add are also added to the generated Lab plugin's parameter block, and you can assign or wire external controllers to these parameters through something like track view.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Re sub-controllers: you are right, the external input parameters do show up correctly as float tracks, so that's fine.

What about non-scalar input types?

And how do I access the input at a different time context?




I think the context stuff is under the same roof with Jonathan's thread. I'll answer there.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)