
Title:Inherent UV from mesh strip is not working
Posted By:ShanaK ( Shana Koenig )
Date Created:14 June 2018



I can't get any UV's from a plane onto to UV strip.  I have watched all your tutorials and read through the documentation.  Based to what you show, should just have to d the following:

  1. Ox  Hair from mesh strip
  2. Inherit UVs from strip on
  3. Assign same material to hair
  4. Add VrayOrntix Mod (rendering with vray)
  5. Add light

My hair should be the same color as the base strip but it isn’t.  It is missing all the UV’s.  I have been using 3ds Max for about 20 years. 

Also you documentation on the website is lacking for the Hair Texture parameters.

This only explains 1 parameter, channel span, when there are at least 20.  I have also found root to tip DOES NOT WORK.   I have tried this with both quick hair on a basic sphere and OX hair from mesh strip.

Please let me know how to get the UV’s working so I can vary color from the base to the tip.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please see the screen capture


Thank you for the explanation, I can reproduce the problem with the UVs and the team will look into it. I will keep you posted. I will take care of the documentation as soon as possile.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi again,

After trying again I see that it is working fine. You just have to rotate the gradient 90 degrees as I'm doing in the following image:


ANd here you can see how it's working.

Attached Files:
Image 1

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)