Windows 10 & License Server

Posted by:shawnolson
Data created:22 May 2016

The machine I keep my License Servers on pulled a fast one on me today. It updated to Windows 10 without my consent (I'd been fretting for months on whether I should do the upgrade). My fear was that I'd have to reactivate a ton of software and waste a day on that.

So you can imagine my horror when Max couldn't check out a license, I couldn't remote desktop in, and then I went downstairs to see the Win 10 upgrade at 39%...

As it turns out, it was pretty painless. Once Windows got done trying to seduce me with Cortona and let me log in, all worked as normal. In fact every single license server was running after the update... except for Ephere LS.

To get up and running again, I had to manually re-install the Licenses (as Administrator) to bring the service back. Also, I noticed that the Firewall rule that had been for Ephere all along was now wrong. But once allowing Ephere through firewall, I got the the sweet goodness of Ornatrix back. And see I was so afraid that I'd be pulling out my hair to be able to add hair to a model... well if I had any hair.

Hopefully this helps some other poor soul with the Win10 anxiety.



Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm


Thank you for the write up Shawn, it will indeed be helpful to those still not on Windows 10.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I wanted to share an update here about this.

I couldn't access OX for the last few days after a Windows Update. My license server machine has a file with my problems over the years that links to this page and I wanted to update the info. My general instructions are to re-register the service (because the service often goes missing after some windows updates). Those instructions were this:

C:\Users\Shawn\AppData\Local\Ephere>sc create EphereLicenseServer binPath=C:\Users\Shawn\AppData\Local\Ephere\Ephere.Licensing.LicenseServer.exe

However, even after the service was re-registered, I could not connect to the licenses.

Marsel sent me to the Moving Licenses Between Computers instructions. This fixed my issue even though it was the same computer.

I wanted to highlight this point: The Instructions on Installing the license server mention to add the LS EXE and service to the exclusion list of antivirus like Windows Defender. I've had an exclusion rule for that for years. Even when you exclude that, Windows will periodically either remove the License Server service from your services or entirely invalidate your LS installation.

I'm posting here for others needing to solve these problems.


Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm