
Title:Crashes when dragging sliders
Posted By:GioChrono ( Giorgos Chronopoulos )
Date Created:3 December 2019



Randomly crashes but high frequency of occurrance (5 times within 5 minutes including reloading maya and scene.

happened on several different sliders such as noise on curl node, and random on length node and also blending an edit guides node.

Steps to Reproduce:

I created a fresh scens and started to create a hair style using the same process in your tutorial here:


Maya 2018 and latest build of Ornatrix

Hi Giorgos,

Can you please send me the problematic scene for testing? Unfortunately this is not the type of bug that we can reproduce easily. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

i tried again on a new scene with just a sphere and added the same nodes in the tutorial here:

We need the exact steps to reproduce the issue or a scene where the issue is reproducible. Can you provide one or both? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I did the exact same steps in that video. on a head scalp then on a sphere in a new scene as well. Same guide count and detail node added.


Please be more specific. The video is 10 minutes long and I don't know the exact step where it is crashing for you. We need the exact steps to reproduce it. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Maya 2018 and latest build of Ornatrix

And which OS?

Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev

Windows 10.

create a sphere

add hair with lenth node, curl and detail. after some random amount of time while dragging a slider maya crases to desktop.

RTX 2080ti using studio driver 441.12. Am downloading the latest update now

ok with the updated driver i have been messing constant with sliders for over 10 mins plus dynamics too with no lag or crashes. lastest studio driver made a big differece with perfomance and stabilty.

Will update if I run into problems but it seems thats the fix.
