
Title:Maya Crashing when using Surface Comb operator
Posted By:svirokan ( Simo Virokannas )
Date Created:11 December 2019



We're experiencing a consistent freeze and subsequent crash in Maya, when adjusting the slope of the Surface Comb operator, or when combing the hair in Edit Guides.

A sample file is attached for performing the steps below.

We're running Maya 2018.5 on CentOS 7.4.1708 with Ornatrix

Thank you for any possible solution to this!

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Select the provided scalp
  2. Add a Fur Ball
  3. Add a SurfaceComb operator on top of EditGuides
  4. In SurfaceComb, Adjust the Slope Ramp, Minimum Bend Value or Maximum Bend Value, OR do anything in EditGuides.

Attached Files:

> (282293 bytes),
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