
Title:Reference strands button is not working
Category:User Interface
Posted ( Skydance Animation Madrid )
Date Created:26 February 2020


Hi, we are trying to use the scatter node to populate groom feathers into a plane, for testing porpoises, and demonstrate the power of ornatrix into our pipeline inside maya. But the add reference strands button is not working for us, not allowing us to instance the feathers the same way you are doing into the tutorial of the eagle groom. We have followed the tutorial step by step and we have the same thing as yours scene so we don't know what else we can do.It should work.
There is something special you guys did? or some step i'm missing? we did reinstall the ornatrix plugin just in case, but stills the same. Any idea on why this is happening?.   Thanks for the support : ) 
Steps to Reproduce:


Thank you for your report. I can reproduce this issue, we will fix this for the next nightly build. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

In the meantime you can continue with your experiments with feathers. As a workaround you can make the connections manually in the Node Editor. Load both (The reference and the feathers) objects in the node editor, connect the hair shape of the refrence strands object to the "Reference Object" Attribute of the Scatter node in the feather object, like I did in the gif: 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Perfect, so far the issue has been resolved.

But this method makes the viewport fail, it's quite unstable.

We'll wait for the next build.

Thanks for all.

Can you describe this issue? I need more details. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)