
Title:Multipliers, Amount and Dsitribution maps doesn't work
Posted By:OuOTIME ( Pere Clos Muntsant )
Date Created:28 July 2020



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<span>I’m testing Ornatrix for Maya v3(last estable), I’m having a problem with the mapping parameters in general, distribution, amount, multiplier maps of the operators. In the HairFromGuides operator, the Distribution Multiplier without any map connected doesn’t work, only respond when connect a texture (or paint) but It has errors in the changes of black and white values it’s not accurate. On the other hand, in the Clump or Frizz operator, the Amount Map not work in any case. </span>

Example Videos

Steps to Reproduce:

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  1. Add FurBall to a mesh
  2. Change the Distribution Multiplier color on a HairFromGuides operator
  3. Add Clump operator, change the Amount Map color
  4. Etc


Thank you for your feedback. With Distributuion Multiplier in any operator that is the expectd behavior. This parameter is designed to connect a map to it, otherwise it would be the same as the Amount parameters. A common connfusion is that these parameters are masking parameters, but they are actually Multipliers (as the name say). They will multiply the values in the map with the amount values. 

but It has errors in the changes of black and white values it’s not accurate

Can you show me an image so I can have an idea of how it looks for you an what you are experiencing? 

On the other hand, in the Clump or Frizz operator, the Amount Map not work in any case.

I can't reproduce this issue. Can you try to reproduce it in a clean scene with a sphere and share it here? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

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<div>Hi Jeordanis, thanks for the quick reply!
Yes, I understand it's a multiplier, but may be I'm doing something wrong because doesn't respond.. For example with the clump operator, I've tried with a ramp texture, and a painting a map with artisan tool.. share a video
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Attached Files:

>2020-07-28+15-47-31.mkv (10558094 bytes), >2020-07-28+15-49-07.mkv (17575592 bytes), >test2.mb (273276 bytes),

<audio class="audio-for-speech" src=""></audio>

 In this video it works, its a multiplier, black is 0 and white its 1 its not depending a map

Thank you for the file, I can reproduce it. The team will be investigating this and provide an update as soon as posible. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

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Thanks Jeordanis!!


Hi Jordan's, only one question.. do you know when there will the new update for the V3.. We are in the middle of a production, and we need to decide with which version start, considering that i've seen that Ornatrix for Maya V3, doesn't update correctly old scenes made with Ornatrix V2 (I've opened another report of that)



We release nightly builds almost every day, but I can't give you an ETA of when this particular issue will be addressed. I will let you know as soon as it's fixed.

Also, we are aware of the issue when loading V2 scenes in V3. There has been improvements and we keep developing in this path as we get more V2 scenes for testing. So if you have a different V2 scenes with problems in V3 please let me know. 

NOTE: Have in mind that V3 is still in beta. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)