
Title:Maya Ornatrix V3 doesn't update scenes from V2
Posted By:OuOTIME ( Pere Clos Muntsant )
Date Created:29 July 2020



Hi, When open a scene made with ornatrix v2 on a Maya with the V3 doesn't work, It lost sinks directions, clumps.. etc.. this is a problem when you work on a tv series, with the same characters because you can't update newer versions. In a opposite way (new version to old version) I think it's normal that not working, but if you update a version your old scenes should be updated too. Thamks!

Steps to Reproduce:


We are aware of this issue and we keep improving reprocompatibility as we get more V2 scenes for testing. However, we recommend that when working on a production you finish your project with a single version(don't update to a major version). 

Please send me your scene for testing and debugging. You can send it to jeordanis.f (at) ephere .com. Simplify  the scene as much as you can and only leave the problematic hair object and it's dependencies(like hair maps), also include a description and a link to this post. Thank you. 

NOTE: Have in mind that V3 is still in beta. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)