
Title:Hair from curve - replant
Posted By:animeka ( Vast Animation Production )
Date Created:9 November 2020



Hi there, I have a problem with "hair_from_Guides" operator. I need to transplant curves to an ABC model - the final render scenes have no rig, references, etc - so that's why I need to transplant the hair curves.

So my workflow is: New scene - import the ABC file(geo export from animation) and then import the curves(exported from groom scene).  Get the curves and ground them on the ABC model - then add the operator "hair_from_guides"  - now, I can't multiply the Hair around the curves - only with "Guides_as_hairs" - which is kinda useless because of the Render_Count param. is getting off and on render u can only see just the amount of imported curves - with no hair multiplied!

When I use "Even" or other "distribution_type" - the hair is not following the shape of the curves or get crazy if the geometry has a history.

I've tried versions from 3.0.9-25083 to 3.1.1-25932 - Maya 2020.1, 2, 3 - I spent one week with the tests - please help.


Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>Guide_from_Hair_problems.JPG (377969 bytes),

I did a video with the problem:


I notice on the video that you did not attach the roots. You have to activate the Attach Roots button in Ground Strands.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)