
Title:Random position when on AutoPushAway from surface
Posted By:Shanvood ( Igor Rogov )
Date Created:19 November 2020



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Hello! Why when I use Comb brush and on AutoPushAway from surface sometime I have randome position of my Mesh from strand meshes? How can I fix that? 


Steps to Reproduce:

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Are you using a scalp mesh to generate the groom? Maybe the collision distance is too big. Try reducing the Push Away Distance parameter. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

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I'm using selection of some polygons to groom. And I find this problem have only if I have Point Count more than 2
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Sorry for the delay. It looks like the hair strands are trying to collide with a mesh that is smaller than the surface of the animal. Basically the strands are being conformed to the polygon selection instead of the whole character. If this is the problem then this is by design, not a bug. This feature should only be used when you are using the whole character or animal as distribution mesh, so the strand collision will always find a nearby mesh to collide. To fix this, turn OFF this option and use Push Away from Surface node instead. Documentation here:

My explanation for this behavior is also described here:

Search for Push Away from Surface.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)