
Title:sinks cause issues / edit guides don't work
Posted ( matt pidgeon )
Date Created:9 December 2020



If I use comb surface with sinks I can get nice looking fur on a single frame. When I render the animation though the fur is moving strangely. It was suggested that I bake the node - I tried this and it just makes the fur look completely wrong.

So I thought comb surface and sinks were just buggy in Maya but it seems to be worse than this.

Using Edit guides I can make the hair look nice and render properly. When I add a second groom to the same object ( which I believe you are supposed to be able to do ) then everything breaks.

This is pretty damn buggy! I hope it can be fixed quickly? I've seen other people have similar issues. For me the nightly build is also greyed out so trying it isn't an option.

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