
Title:symmetry ground roots option mangles orientation
Posted By:ghoest ( Nicholas Burkard )
Date Created:2 April 2021



Trying to use symmetry for guides that are instancing feathers with the scatter op. grooming and orientating one side an using symmetry with ground roots does not maintain the orientation of the mirrored side which is problematic for scatter ops later down the line.

Collapsing the stack without symmetry/ground roots and using attach roots is a workaround, but not ideal

Steps to Reproduce:


In what scenario the orientation is not preserved? If the mesh is animated you should bake the Symmetry node into an Edit Guides node. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

This isn't animated. I'll try to make a example file when I get a chance. I suspect this is happening when the Guide has a orientation on it from the rotate guide tool and that orientation isn't maintained on the mirrored guide.

Yes please. A sample scene will help a lot to understand the problem. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)