
Title:deleting fur objects is crashing Maya 2020
Posted ( matt pidgeon )
Date Created:5 September 2021



I'm finding that when I delete an object with ornatrix fur it crashes Maya instantly. Not every time but enough that it's annoying.

Steps to Reproduce:

Build a scene with lots of fur objects and delete one of the objects in the hypergraph. 

Hi Matt,

How are you deleting the hair object? The official way is to select the hair shape in Ornatrix Operator Stack, right click, Delete (Or the Delete Key). This will ensure that the object is deleted without leaving traces or orphan nodes behind. 

That being said, I was not able to reproduce the crash. Have in mind that we do not support vanilla Maya 2020, update 2020.1+ is requiered. Please check the minimum requirements. This could be the cause of the issue. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)