
Title:box operater with duplicate names "Value"
Posted By:teddude75 ( Edward R Conry )
Date Created:29 January 2022



Box up the hair stack with mulitple operators and edit script. The python script has multiple parameters named "value" ie 

## EditGuides8 ##

('Value', 'float', lambda gm, v : gm.set_value( 'EditGuides8', 'Amount.Value', v ), 0, 1, 1 ),

## SurfaceComb1 ##

('Value', 'float', lambda gm, v : gm.set_value( 'SurfaceComb1', 'Chaos.Value', v ), 0, 1, 0.1 ),

The work around is to rename the parameter to value2

Steps to Reproduce:

create a hair stack with multiple nodes surface comb, length, and edit guides

box it

edit the groom script by uncommenting out the "value" parameter for surface comb, length, and edit guides

than save the script

close notepad

and update the script in maya

and I get this error

// Warning: Ornatrix: Duplicated parameter found in Python script: 'Value' // 

I think this would be the same for common names like Amount, Strand group, blenddistance and others

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