
Title:MassPerVertex parameter missing
Posted By:scherbet2 ( Artem Shcherbakov )
Date Created:14 April 2022



Hey! It seems like MassPerVertex parameter missing again. At this time builds are v4.0.6.30250 and v3.3.6.30241

Steps to Reproduce:


It isn't missing, it was removed from the design of the Moov Physics, it is not needed there anymore. This feature used to affects aspects of the motion that are now controlled separately for finer control.

What effect are you trying to achieve with this parameter?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I have a very dynamic scene. With sharp movements. To keep the shape of the hairstyle, I enabled "attract to initial shape" with a high value. 
But then the hair, as if too light, it begin to jump. And in the documentation and the tutorial, I saw that you recommend using "mass per vertex".
But I didn't find it. Here's a story)


Sorry for the delay. I missed your reply. 

Is difficult to know why the hair is jumping as you describe. Can you show me a playblast of the simulation? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)