
Title:Can't edit points and blendshapes properly unless baked hair.
Date Created:15 April 2022



Hi, we want to use blendshape or edit mesh points ( like change face to the other person ), and let ornatrix hair with modification nodes. However, it can't save properly, when reopen file, it fails.


But it can be achieved by using baked hair, and edit, but it is already baked, and can't change hair style.


Any method we can freely modify both face and hair together? So we can apply hair library presets to different characters.


Steps to Reproduce:

already test in latest ver 


I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to transfer a groom from one mesh to another?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi, yes.

Like the beard on cheek, if face changes, we hope the nodes can wrap on the face, and change as face (from a fat to a thin face). Xgen can do that, but Ornatrix can only achieve by baking hair. For baked hair, it is not available to modify more, that's why we want this feature for a better pipeline.


If this feature is OK, we can build a hair library, apply to 100 soliders, for example, they have different face size, but similar hair style or beard. And for each one, we can also add one's own unique details to differentiate.

Hi, any update for this problem?

This is not a bug. To transfer a groom from one mesh to another you need to reground the guide's roots to the new mesh. Use Ground Strands to reground the roots, then collapse the stack below Ground Strands to make the change permanent and to break the link of the hair to the old mesh. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)