
Title:Middle-click Drag Not Working in Beta
Posted By:ChewyPixels ( Jesus Bibian Jr )
Date Created:30 August 2022



There is a bug in the Ornatrix 4 for Maya beta that has been around since at least the past release.  I forgot to report it before but noticed that it still exists in the latest version that dropped yesterday.

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Steps to Reproduce:

Use the middle-click drag gesture to translate.  Feature does not work as it should.  Does nothing.

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I'm not sure of the context... Where are you performing the middle click drag action? Do you have a tool selected? Please provide the exact steps to reproduce it. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I use the middle click drag gesture often in Maya.  Doing a simple transtale action such as move in any axis does nothing when it should by default.  

1. Select object.

2. Activate any translation tool. "Move" for example.

3. Select any axis.

4. Then attempt using the middle-click drag gesture to move object along axis.

5. Notice that nothing happens.

I uninstalled the beta and instead installed the latest version 3 of the plugin. Middle-click drag gesture is back and working fine as it should by default.


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I see. I assigned the Mouse Middle Click to our Ornatrix Marking Menu, thinking that this would not conflict with any Maya functionality, but apparenntly it does. I never thought that Maya users used the middle mouse button like this. We will find a solution. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

It's sound like the same problem I'm having. I use this middle mouse button in modelling all the time. Are you getting closer to fix this?

I installed the latest version of the beta. I can confirm that this is still not fixed. 

Please don't use this as a hotkey since this is a default behavior to Maya!  You will get a lot of complaints from users.

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Is not fixed yet but I'm looking into it. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

There is another middle mouse function that doesn't work because of Ornatix. When using quad draw hitting tab and middle mouse drag extrudes the edge loop. This doesn't work with the Ornatrix plug in loaded.

I added a provisional fix for the next nightly. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)