
Title:Deforming Geometry Causes Guides to reorient
Posted By:baslack ( Benjamin Slack )
Date Created:22 April 2016



So I'm working with a simple test scene, just a polysphere with a single weighted cluster which I've animated. As the mesh goes through it's deformations, I noticed that the guides that I'd combed change orientation over a single frame. I've attached a video below showing the problem in detail.

File Link:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create Polysphere

2. Create Cluster Deformer

3. Create Locator, Move to top of Sphere.

4. Replace Cluster Handle Weighted Node with Locator

5. Weight Cluster, blending top to bottom.

6. Animate Locator.

7. Attach Hair to Polysphere

8. Use Comb brush to alter some guides.

9. Track guides through playback.

Forgot to mention, enabled "Topology Based Orientation", per the documentation, but it had no effect on the issue.




Thank you for the video and file Benjamin, these will help track this problem down.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Please see for the solution

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Will do, thanks for the heads up.

