
Title:Hair from curves corrupting Maya 2016 files
Posted By:kiddr01 ( ryan kidd )
Date Created:26 May 2016



Importing several sets of curves (from Zbrush, or from other maya files) and applying seperate ornatrix hair systems (Head, body etc) Ends up corrupting the files. They will open, but only intermittantly (maybe about 1 in 5 attempts). 

Steps to Reproduce:

Import Curves from file (ma, mb). Apply 'hair from curves'. Import more curves, apply hair from curves again, once more. At this point the curves should be taking longer and longer to import. The file becomes unstable after a while and should struggle to open.

Hello, I tried to follow your instructions but everything appears to work OK here. Perhaps you can share your curve scenes as well as the scene that won't open?

Or maybe you can provide more specific steps? Please see the attached video with my attempt.

Attached Files:

>CurveImporting.mp4 (1384102 bytes),

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

EPHERE wrote:

Hello, I tried to follow your instructions but everything appears to work OK here. Perhaps you can share your curve scenes as well as the scene that won't open? Or maybe you can provide more specific steps? Please see the attached video with my attempt.

It seems part of the problem is also attached to duplicated meshes (from ornatrix strands)... I'll investigate it a bit more (or try and reproduce in a seperate file) so i can give you a better report of whats causing the problem.





Thank you Ryan, it would be very helpful to reproduce from scratch.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)