
Title:maya freeze while saving
Posted By:pixteur ( Jesse Zamjahn )
Date Created:20 July 2016



Maya freezes while saving my scene.


Adding hair to a 20,000 poly mesh. After brushing the guide length and direction after say 1 hour of work maya crashes on file save. Not a hard crash but the app is locked and using 1 core, I left it like that for an hour and it didn't resolve itself. Happend to me 3 times today. 

Steps to Reproduce:

I don't know if any steps lead up to it, it seems pretty random, mostly occurs after long hair guide editing sessions. [Latest Stable]

maya 2016.5 ex2 


Not good. Did you notice anything else, like any messages in the log or script windows? Would be definitely good to reproduce this one.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I haven't been able to track this down. Yesterday it was a bit more stable. I noticed that if I save using the file/save menu I haven't crashed. If i use a keyboard command to save thats when I'd crash. Perhaps 1/10 of the time. But this might just be a coincidence. Will report back if I have more info.

Ok, thanks for checking. It could be that you are in some command mode or component selection when invoking save through a shortcut. When using file menu maybe the command mode is exited prior to saving. Just a guess.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)