
Title:Control points are not movable in Editguides
Posted By:cyrill ( Cyrill Weiss )
Date Created:2 August 2016



I'm using Maya 2015 sp6 in Win 10 (x64).

The Control points of hair can't be moved. It did work once. As I installed the latest stable version (8157) it didn't work anymore, even when installing the older version (8046) - it could be, that I used a nightly version, when it worked.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Create sphere
  2. Click on "Add Hair to selection"
  3. Select Fur and accept
  4. In Operators Stack select "EditGuidesShape1"
  5. Select "Edit Control Points Mode"
  6. Select some Control Points in Viewport
  7. Use Move Tool (W) to move Control Points

Please make sure soft selection is off (b key).

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

That was the cause of it, thanks!