
Title: maya locks up after redshift render completes
Posted By:pixteur ( Jesse Zamjahn )
Date Created:13 August 2016



Opened a production scene created in previous ornatrix version. Click render. Render completes and then it is impossible to move any maya wiondows, interact with maya. It's taking one core on the processor and doesn't ever stop. I have to force quit maya.

Production scene for a client under NDA. Unending Ornatrix bugs may cause me to have to shift everything to shave or yeti.

Steps to Reproduce:

How long did you wait before closing the windows? Ornatrix switches from render hairs back to viewport hairs, maybe it is taking some time redraw the hair. Not the way it should be, but trying to see if maybe it just needs a minute or so (don't know the complexity of your scene).

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

two builds ago this scene was instantly workable when a render finished. Last build the preview hairs were not respected so I had 2million hairs in the viewport after a render. Now in this newest version even if I let it sit an hour after a render Maya is still locked up.


maybe because this scene was made with an older version of ornatrix. Perhaps this behavior is who how linked the the previous preview hairs but, now fixed. Normally I'd never upgrade a plugin during production but don't e to other logged bugs my hand was forced. 

We will look into this. In the latest build we did fix an issue with Redshift not reverting back viewport strands during batch render. Maybe this is related to that. Worst case we can revert this fix.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

After reinstalling Ornatrix and clearing out the maya prefs + a reboot Maya is no longer locking up after a render. At least not yet. I am getting viewport 2.0 is proccessing messages all the time during render and post render. Render times are also substantially longer in this new build, like 2-3x slower compared to older builds. 


Is it normal for the viewport to fill up with render hair counts during render? Shouldn't it stay at viewport counts all the time?


Using the latest build and maya/redshift still does not revert back to viewport strands!

We'll look at the not reverting to viewport hair issue, should definitely not be happening. I will also see if we can prevent viewport from updating/displaying render strands when rendering. Are you using IPR mode?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I use both bocket and IPR. IPR is fine when it shows only viewport count hair in the render, it does not affect the viewport strand display. For animation the bucket render should not hace to display render count hairs in the viewport during and after the bucket render. That causes the scene to grind to a halt, slows the render down and takes extra GPU recources in viewport 2.0


problem is related to

hi, please open your secene, then the render settings for redshift, and make sure the first tab, "common", is like this:


Pre Render MEL: OxSetIsRendering(true);

Post Render MEL: OxSetIsRendering(false);


these are populated automatically, but check to make sure this is the case with your scene.


As for the viewport hair count while batch rendering, I'm searching for a solution right now and will update here when I got something, as I might need some help/feedback from redshift too.


the issue of showing render count hairs during animation rendering with Redshift is now fixed. Will be available in the next build.

Still happens if I have Remember Root Positions checked in the HairFromGuidesNode and using the MEL

Thanks for pointing this out. Working on it, will update here when solved.