
Title:meshfromstrands node no longer visible in UV centric linking
Posted By:pixteur ( Jesse Zamjahn )
Date Created:18 August 2016



Current meshfromstrands lost its UV linking, UV centric linking will not see the meshstrands when selected in the viewport. A shader and texture is applied.


So I deleted it and made a new one. The new node also is not visible in UV centric linking.


Happens only in this scene.

Steps to Reproduce:

Using map channel count of 2

selected channel 1

+ per-strand coordinates


This has been working for the past two weeks. Today I was getting lots of errors about the meshfromstrands not being unique, something about a unique identifier, yet I'm only using one in the whole scene. This wha around the time when it stopped working. Now I cannot restore it in this scene, so textureing something like feathers is not possible. In older version of the scene it works fine. So something behind the scenes has corrupted and I can't clear it out. 


If I load up the older version of the scene and double check settings, everything is exactly the same. I flattened the stack and exported the meshed hair and brought it into the problem scene. So the flattened mesh from ornatrix UV links fine, if I share that same shader with the Ornatrix version, the ornatrix hair with the meshfromstrands won't display the texture or render correctly and doesn't show up in the UV centric linking when selected.