
Title:Unable to render ornatrix on mac
Posted By:fuzeimage ( Fuze Image Maker )
Date Created:19 August 2016



Hi! Iém unable to render a scene on Maya for Mac (El Capitan). The scene was created on Windows and renders without any issue there, but on mac it gets stuck and nothing happens.


Steps to Reproduce:

Have you tried rendering this scene with a renderer different than VRay (perhaps using Mesh from Strands to convert to geometry)? What does the operator stack look like?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Marsel, 

Yes I have, arnold, mental ray and maya, same results. Not able to convert to geometry also, because it gets too heavy.




Sorry it took a little while but I am looking into this issue right now.

Would you be able to provide the problematic scene? It will go a long way in helping to identify the problem.

Alternatively, could you share the goom file so that I can use to faithfully replicate the stack setup parameters?


Thank you so much!