
Title:Planted guides point count not effected by changes in point count
Posted By:marsbuddy ( Mars Oliva )
Date Created:1 September 2016



Here's something that's currently posing an issue on a project:


Creating guides through theEditGuides shape node's Plant guide tool Creates a guide with the point count currently set in the GuidesFromMesh node. However, once it has been created, adjusting the GuideFromMesh node's Coint Count does not effect the planted guides, while it continues to effect the auto-distributed guides.

Essentially, planted guide's point count is currently unchangeable, unless I'm missing something.

I've tried to work around this by placing a Detail node in between the EditGuideShape and GuidesFromMesh, but that doesn't allow fine editing, just a smoother render with the same brushable points.



This is primarily a problem when working with low points for a first pass, or discovering you need more points to get a certain effect, but find there's no way to up it. In my situiation, I'm finding it almost impossible to get usable roots on top of the head, since the closest point to create a curve is 6cm away. 




Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Add the FurBall preset to a mesh
  2. Reduce the Root Distribution count to a low lumber (Say, 2-5)
  3. Set point count to 4
  4. In EditGuidesShape create a new root.
  5. Set point count to 80
  6. Create another root.
  7. Brush the hairs to get readable curves
  8. Adjust the Point count to see only the auto-generated haiirs get smoother.


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