
Title:Hair weird behavior in rotation inside a hierachy
Posted By:DigitalDimension ( Marc Bourbonnais )
Date Created:30 September 2016



Hello Marsel

We created hair from curves
the emitter, the curves and all Hairs are inside a hierachy
When we rotate the hierachy of 90 degres, the hair rotate but the hair style change drasticly. and the Curves follow without problem. See image

We apply all the ''Remember root position and cluster) but same effect

Perhaps we have not made the right procedure but here is what we want to do.

  1. From Xgen model approved, extract curves
  2. Use those curves to recreate hair style in Ornatrix
  3. The curves need to be rig because the hair will be animated and not simulated
  4. The animated curves will be cached (alembic or geocache)
  5. Apply the cache to the curves in the shading model
  6. I hope it's clear :)

Tks for your help, very appreciate.



Steps to Reproduce:

I try to recreate the problem in a simple scn, if you need the master scn, I will need a safe location.

Sorry guys (the readers) I cannot share the master scene. sure you understand.

  • Take the root and rotate (change)
  • Take the Curves group and rotate (change)
  • Take the Curves group and translate (no change)

Marsel, FYI, you are working with Redshift (Nicolas) for another issue but the character that you already have in your hand, he is build exactly like that character et presente the same issue.


Attached Files:
Image 1
> (143433 bytes),

Thank you for the explanation and the scene Christian, we will look into why the hair changes.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

The change seems to happen because as the curves change their transform is re-computed relative to a previously grounded hair.

The solution is easy: drag curves outside of the root transform. Is this not possible to do with your characters? Do the curves need to be nested under the same transform as the hair?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hello Marsel,

Sorry for the delay, we tried many approachs, and we found.

You're right about to move the Group Curves outside the root.
But in theory the shading model does not move because it 's the Rig who create the movement by deformation. and the Hair is not in the Rig model, the Hair is on the shading model.

So we said perhap it not a hierarchy problem but a problem somewhere in the stack of the Hair.

And after many tries if your uncheck set positions and set rotations inside the GroundStrandsNode

the Hair does not explode, the Hair follow the curves driven by cache.

Yeah!, Your solution put us in the right path to found the solution.

Tks a lot, I hope it will help the others users.
