
Title:Vieport Count not taken into account
Posted By:obafkps ( oba ameziane-hassani )
Date Created:20 November 2016



running latest night stable build on windows 10 ..

Steps to Reproduce:

To replicate ,  Create sphere attach Ornatrix  set render count to 200K set display count to 100.  Paint distribution map multiplier and assgined file texutre to Distribution multiplier. Run and arnold view render and and not it will no longer respect the viewport count but will only display the render count in the view port ...




Attached Files:

>afterRunningArnold.JPG (121945 bytes), >beforeArnoldRenderView.JPG (147830 bytes),

Hi Oba,

Thank you for the report. However, I could not reproduce this issue. Can you provide an scene where this issue is present? 

Best Regards,

Jeordanis F.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)