
Title:Strange error with hardcoded path in description when trying to ground strands
Posted By:Headcrash ( Jason Bickerstaff )
Date Created:21 April 2017



I got the following error when trying to activate the Ground Strands operation after defining a distribution mesh:


Assert failed: GetNodeTransform( thisMObject(), strandsToWorldTransform, nullptr, &shapeNode )

Is that file path supposed to be there?


Steps to Reproduce:

- create a EP curve

- create a sphere

- select curve and activate the Add Hair to Selection shelf item

- select the Hair from Curves option

- select the GroundStrandsNode and select the distribution mesh. In this case, make that mesh the sphere

- activate the Ground Strands function

* on my system, the error I posted above shows up. I don't yet know if this is keeping me from the rest of the grooming process.

I should note that this is version v1.2.2.10911. Thanks!

Hi Jason,

I tried to reproduce this error in build 10921 but it seems to be working fine. Can you please try with the latest build?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,

I installed build 10928 and haven't run into that error again. I'm getting some odd results when adding guides from curves, but I'm sure it's because I'm not that familiar with the tool yet. Thanks!